Ah, a good morning to all of you. Top of the morning if you will! I've had my morning cup of chai and even threw in a shot of espresso to really get things going. It's really working. I'm typing 103 words per minute right now. So, I'm writing you from biostatistics this morning. I always get to this awful 8 am class between 4 and 12 minutes late. It's at the very, very top of campus, as far away from my house as you can get. I like to sit in the very top row so that I can play on my computer instead of paying attention. You might be thinking..."Trex, you need to grow up and start focusing in your class." To that I say: "Ef you!" Seriously though, our teacher wrote our textbook and literally just reads the textbook to us to teach the class. However, I digress. What prompted me to blog this early is my recent realization that I HATE people sitting near me. When I first sat down today this is what MY top row looked like:

Now, that is a beautiful sight to me! A veritable sight for sore eyes. When something like this happens to me, I find myself thinking, "God dammit, if the next person that sits down sits in this row I swear to god I'm gonna f-ing, jesus, holy crap." Clearly, I'm channeling Grandpa.
Since I first started writing, 3 people have already sat in my row.
If someone takes the seat next to me I'm probably gonna lose my shit.
Have a lovely rest of your day
and try not to sit next to anyone in case they are as misanthropic as your author
obviously the author spent too much time alone in her crib!
(I'm really sorry about that. It was Annie's idea.)
The picture really ties the entire story together. Otherwise, I'd have no idea what you were talking about. Wait...you're going to school? What? Who are you?
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