Sunday, February 22, 2009

I Love Lamp

Alternate titles:
"Back on top of the world: the story of how a little dinosaur transcends all of her self-proclaimed 'new lows'"

"My tongue is orange because of all the cheetoes (that's what she said)"

"If I'm unable to find a real human/dinosaur boyfriend I will consider looking into common household appliances"

P.S. Sean Penn gets a shout-out for his Oscar acceptance speech (even though I still can't fully accept the gays)


Mary Hardy said...

Lamps rock my world!
Loved the Sean Penn speech, as well. But I am a little hurt that you still do not accept me. I mean.. how can you spend 90% of your time around 100% women and not turn a little gay. :-P

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness... Ive seen this picture before... :D