BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION (fortunately, I'm a scribe, so I just did this transcription on my own):
Sixteen years ago a bridge collapsed and fifteen-hundred people went with it. Two hundred people survived...
Thirteen hundred people were found dead! They found all of the bodies except one. She was a 25 year old girl. Her name was Grace Stearns. One day a young lady named Tracy was rowing on the very same lake that Grace was in, Tracy fell in!
Tracy saw the body of Grace and tried to scream. Then Grace's body started glowing and pulled Tracy towards her. Tracy could not stand the force...she tried to swim out of the water but her insides came out. Then Grace ate Tracy.

Wow! What I great story! I'm not really sure if this was reflective with my relationship with Grace at the time. Grace, if it's any consolation I no longer want you dead.
I found another journal from later in the same year in which my teacher wrote me a note saying that my next story was not allowed to be so violent or graphic. Apparently it was becoming somewhat of a trend for me.
Well, I'll leave you with the following maxim: "A child that is violent in their youth can often grow into a god-fearing woman, just like Tracy Chase."
Until we meet again.
"A child that is violent in their youth can often grow into a god-fearing woman, just like Tracy Chase."
Why do you think the new studio locks from the inside? Why do you think it was built in the first place?
I, for one, am sleeping alot better at night....and sometimes, during the day, as well.
Actually you wrote this story because you didn't understand at the time that Grace is not your mother. Your real mother saw the story and needed years of therapy. Grace read the story and needed many years of therapy. Your dad read the story and cracked up.
xooxoxoxo dad
this is an example of the type of thing you should leave in your garage and not put on the interwebs
see ya soon!
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